be still...


They say a picture is worth a 1000 words… I couldn’t agree more!!

Honestly, I would rather let each and every picture I take speak for itself. I want my images to resonate, but without hearing my perspective, you might see things differently.

Did you know the most significant difference between photographers is really that… the actual person behind the camera!! We could all use the same camera, have the same knowledge, work with the same subject and produce images from drastically different perspectives. This is what’s so fun in photography! I don’t tell stories just like the next photographer on the list. It’s how I see the world. It’s how I respond to the world. It’s how I use the tools in my photography bag to capture images for you.

In a recent trip to our local museum, I realized that even the most famous artist’s leave their words with their work. They want people to connect with their art, but they also want to give their perspective, their voice.

I’ve come to find out that many photographers struggle with sharing their voice and their perspective. I would include myself in this group! It’s not that I’m shy or introverted, I’m actually an extrovert, and I love meeting new people. But there is still social anxiety present inside of me when it comes to writing out my thoughts.

So I’ve decided that instead of just posting randomly, I’m going to start a new focus for this blog. I will still share my photos, but I want to include my perspective and my voice and post about encouraging and hope-filled moments.

I want to tell your story here. In fact, this is what I was thinking about when I was inspired to name my business “capture me photography”…. a client calling me up and asking “will you capture me?”.

The picture above tells such a compelling story, and it is one of my favorite images, and sessions, from 2018!!

How sweet and profound to see this little reminder on this momma’s wrist!! And how appropriate to see her precious little baby, snuggled in her hands and almost smiling in compliance with this message.

To me, the tattoo quote makes me think of one of my favorite Bible verses, Psalms 46:10a “Be still, and know that I am God;” Another Bible version says “Cease striving, and know that I am God.” In this ever-increasing, chaotic paced world, the thought of “being still” or “cease striving” is foreign. But if we really do KNOW that God is who He says He is and He’s working all things together then we can truly rest, be still, and cease striving…. He’s got it!

I’m longing to make this a “be still” blog… a blog full of encouragement and hope… a blog that will definitely feel different. I am different, my photography business is different, and my purpose is different. I don’t do what I do just to have a business. My business was built by God to be used by God for His glory… He loves me, and He loves you… the Bible tells us so!

be still…

Nicole Pawlaczyk